11th Indo-US Cytometry Workshop

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms

3rd Annual Meeting of the Cytometry Society – INDIA


11th Indo-US Cytometry Workshop

October 19th – 24th, 2010

Venue: National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore

The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) announce the 3rd Annual Meeting of The Cytometry Society – India and 11th Indo-US Cytometry Workshop on Advanced Flow Cytometry Techniques.


3rd Annual meeting of The Cytometry Society - 19th to 20th forenoon October 2010

Last date for submission of abstracts: September 20th, 2010

Key note address

Brent Wood, USA



Amar Dasgupta, India

Annapoorni Rangarajan, India

Awtar Krishan, USA

Gopal Pande, India

Jyothsna Dhawan, India

Lissy K Krishnan, India

Madhu Dikshit, India

Scott Cram, USA

Sumeet Gujral, India

William Telford, USA

Vincent Shankey, USA

Vivek Tanavde, Singapore


Call for Abstracts

The soft copy of the poster abstracts should be submitted to pgs_mani@yahoo.com and ilatim@vsnl.net. The posters will be judged for awards.

To down load the registration form click here. Send the completed form with registration fee to Dr. Taslimarif Saiyed, Director, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms National Centre for Biological Sciences - TIFR UAS-GKVK campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore 560 065, Karnataka, INDIA


For accommodation details please click here.


11th Indo-US Cytometry workshop - 20th afternoon to 24th October 2010

Last date for application: September 1st, 2010.

Workshop Co-ordinators

Awtar Krishan, University of Miami, Fl, USA

H. Krishnamurthy, NCBS, Bangalore, India



Awtar Krishan, USA

Brent Wood, USA

Madhu Dikshit, India

Michael Ormerod, UK

Paresh Jain, India

Ronald Hamelik, USA

Scott Cram, USA

Vincent Shankey, USA

Vivek Tanvade, Singapore

William Telford, USA


Workshop Overview:

Attendees will be selected from all over India. Attendees from academic and non-academic institutions are encouraged to apply. The workshop will be hands-on, intense and will require full- time participation from morning to evening. We will have a dedicated teaching laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art flow cytometers. The selected candidates will undergo basic flow cytometry training from 14th to 17th September 2010 at NCBS, Bangalore. From 20th to 24th October 21010, the participants will be trained on TWO of the following Advanced Cytometry modules by Indo-US Cytometry workshop faculty:

  • Cell cycle & Proliferation


  • Apoptosis


  • Cytokines & Signaling Pathways


  • Multicolor immunophenotyping


  • Stem cells (SP analysis, MSC, ESC, Cancer stem cells).


  • Clinical (Lymphocyte subset, Leukemia, PNH)



Graduate students, post-docs and other researchers should submit an online application with CV, a short write up on their research interests, reason for attending the workshop and a letter of recommendation from their research supervisor. Selected candidates will undergo basic flow cytometry training from 14th to 17th September 2010 at NCBS, Bangalore.


Selection Announcement: 5th September 2010

Flow cytometers available for the workshop:

Cell Lab Quanta SC,  (Beckman Coulter)
CyAn (Beckman Coulter)
EasyCyte (Guava Technologies Inc.,)
FACS Aria (Becton Dickinson)
FACS Calibur (Becton Dickinson)
FACS Vantage SE (Becton Dickinson)
Gallios, (Beckman Coulter)

Housing and Fee:

Boarding and shared accommodation will be provided.


Registration Fees for Indo-US Workshop: Rs. 15,000 (academic) and Rs. 20,000 (non-academic). There is no additional fee for the September basic course. Registrants for both the TCS meeting and the workshop will get a Rs. 2000 discount from the registration fee total.

Application Process:

All participants are requested to submit the following material online.
1) A short biodata (CV)
2) A brief summary of your research interest and reason for taking the course.
3) Letter of recommendation from your supervisor or principal investigator of your project..


For online registration please click here .


We will select 20 students on a competitive basis. Selected candidates will be informed by 5th September 2010 with the tuition fee being payable upon acceptance.

Contact Information:

Nidhi Srivastava
National Centre for Biological Sciences
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
GKVK, Bellary Road,
Bangalore 560 065 INDIA
Tel: 91-80-2366 6337
Email: nidhisri@ncbs.res.in


Participants will be responsible for their own travel to Bangalore. Transport between the airport and NCBS will be arranged by the meeting organizers upon request.