International Meeting on Neuromodulation of Behaviour
This meeting will bring together a group of neuroscientists from India, Europe and the US with a common interest in studying how neuromodulatory inputs influence natural behaviors in a range of organisms, including zebra fish, rats, Drosophila, honey bees and moths. The meeting is open to graduate and postdoctoral fellows and faculty from India and abroad.
Invited Speakers
Rozi Andretic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Serge Birman, ESPCI, Paris, France
Bjoern Brembs, Universität Regensburg, Germany
Axel Brockmann, NCBS, Bangalore
Jean-Francois Ferveur, Universite de Bourgogne, France
Aurnab Ghosh, IISER, Pune
Gaiti Hasan, NCBS, Bangalore
Sanjay Sane, NCBS, Bangalore
Vatsala Thirumalai, NCBS, Bangalore
Vidita Vaidya, TIFR, Mumbai
Sheeba Vasu, JNCASR, Bangalore.
Christian Wegener, Universitat Wuerzberg, Germany.
Wednesday, October 29th
8.30-9.15am | Registration |
Session 1 : Chair: Axel Brockman | |
9.30-10.15am | Jean-Francois Ferveur, Universite de Bourgogne, France Plasticity of Chemosensory-driven Behavior in Insects |
10.15-11.00am | Sanjay Sane, NCBS, Bangalore Air flow sensing and antennal positioning in flying bees and hawk moths |
11.00-11.15am | Gaurav Das, Oxford University, U.K. Drosophila Learn Opposing Components of a Compound Food Stimulus |
11.15-11.35am | Tea/coffee |
11.35-12.20pm | Sheeba Vasu, JNCASR, Bangalore Thermosensory TRPA1 modulates daily activity rhythms in Drosophila |
12.20-12.35pm | Rudra Nayan Das, NCBS, Bangalore Role of serotonin in processing of dynamic odor stimuli and its consequences in Drosophila larval chemotaxis |
12.35-2.00pm | Lunch |
2.00-3.30pm | Posters |
3.30-4.00pm | Tea/coffee |
Session 2: Chair: Sanjay Sane | |
4.00-4.15pm | Sheetal Potdar, JNCASR, Bangalore Lessons from sleeping flies: Neural Circuitry and Importance of Sleep in Drosophila. |
4.15-5.00pm | Axel Brockmann, NCBS, Bangalore Neuromodulation of honeybee foraging behaviour and behavioural decision making |
5.00pm | Bjoern Brembs, Universität Regensburg, Germany From Pavlov's bell to bad habits: Multiple, interacting memory systems in fruit flies |
7.30pm | Dinner with NCBS and InStem faculty |
Thursday, October 30th
Session 3: Chair: Jean-Francois Ferveur | |
9.15-10.00am | Vatsala Thirumalai, NCBS, Bangalore Dopaminergic neuromodulation in the cerebellum |
10.00-10.45am | Serge Birman, ESPCI, Paris Dopaminergic pathways underlying startle response and behavioral excitability in Drosophila |
10.45-11.30am | Gaiti Hasan, NCBS, Bangalore Neuromodulatory inputs for Drosophila flight – through development and adulthood |
11.30-11.50am | Tea/Coffee |
11.50-12.35pm | Rozi Andretic, Universityof Rijeka, Croatia Genes for addicitive behavior in Drosophila |
12.35-12.50pm | Tarjani Agrawal, NCBS, Bangalore Maturation of central brain flight circuit in Drosophila requires Fz2/Ca2+ signaling |
12.50-2.30pm | Lunch |
Session 4: Chair: Vatsala Thirumalai | |
2.30-3.15pm | Christian Wegener, Universitat Wuerzberg, Germany Pleiotropic modulatory functions of brain-gut peptidergic cells on Drosophila physiology and behavior |
3.15-4.00pm | Aurnab Ghosh, IISER, Pune Representing internal states: neuromodulating peripheral senses and extending behaviours |
4.00-4.30pm | Tea/Coffee |
4.30-5.15pm | Vidita Vaidya, TIFR, Mumbai Early life experience and the shaping of adult behaviour |
6.30pm | Dinner in town for invited speakers |
Registration is open upto: September 10, 2014
Registration fee:
Rs. 1500/- for meeting plus meals
Rs. 2500/-meeting, meals and shared accommodation
If funds permit travel fellowships with registration waivers will be available for a few selected younger scientists from within India. Selections for travel fellowship will be based on their CVand research abstract.
Registration Process:
All participants interested in attending the meeting must apply with a brief CV and a 200 word summary of their current research interests highlighting the proposed relevance of the meeting to their ongoing projects. Applications should be emailed to to before September 10, 2014. PhD students and Post Docs are required to submit a recommendation letter from their Lab Head/Thesis Supervisor.
Selected participants will be notified by email and will be required to submit registration fee by Bank Demand Draft/All City Cheque made in favour of ‘NCBS, Meetings and Workshop A/C’ and couriered to
Mrs. Nidhi Srivastava
‘Neuromodulation in Behaviour’
National Centre for Biological Sciences
GKVK, Bellary Road, Bangalore 560064
PH: 080-23666337
Registration fee is non refundable.
Please write your name, name of the meeting and affiliation on the reverse of the DD/Cheque.
Please register early, since the number of participants will be limited to 50.
Poster presentation
Selected participants will be expected to present a poster on their current research project. Poster specifications will be sent by email at a later date.
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