The Sixth Bangalore Benny Shilo Course in Developmental Biology


The Sixth Bangalore Benny Shilo Course in Developmental Biology

17th December 2012 to 26th December 2012.

Venue: National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore


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This course will focus on connecting molecular and cellular pathways to an understanding of the mechanisms that underlie animal development. The course is structured in a modular and flexible manner with each module taught by one of the leading researchers in the field.

The total number of participants in the course will be restricted to about 40. The course will be intense and will require full-time participation. Lectures will be accompanied by informal discussion and Questions. Another aspect will include a study of related research papers in work-groups followed by presentation by the students and discussions with the teachers. Finally, at the end of the course, each student will submit a grant project as written material to the respective scientists who gave the project. The students are encouraged to discuss the grants while they write it with the speakers on an informal basis. The students should choose one project, and use this information as a starting point to write a document of 4-5 pages describing the background, aims and methods they would use to address these issues experimentally.


  • Amos Arieli (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot. Israel)
  • Satyajit Mayor (NCBS-TIFR, Bangalore)
  • Maithreyi Narasimha (Tata Institute of Fundamental research, Mumbai)
  • Ze’ev Paroush (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
  • Erez Raz (University of Muenster, Germany)
  • Eyal Schejter  ( Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
  • Ben-Zion Shilo ( Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
  • K. VijayRaghavan  (NCBS-TIFR, Bangalore)
  • Talila Volk (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)


Applications are invited from graduate students early in their PhD programme and from Undergraduate/ Master’s students contemplating a research career in developmental biology.

An application with a brief CV stating why you would like to do this course should be sent to devbio2012 at ncbs dot res dot in by 25 October 2012.



Selected candidates will be informed by 15 November 2012

Boarding and lodging will be provided for selected students.

Organisers: NCBS-and DBS-TIFR